Food delivery & more

Groceries , Coffee , Laundry , anything!


Customer we have served


Our Partners


Years of meeting client needs

Emirates we deliver to :

Top restaurants in Gireeb

Everything delivered

Your city's top restaurants

With a great variety of restaurants you can order your favourite food or explore new restaurants nearby!

Fast delivery

Like a flash! Order or send anything in your city and receive it in minute

Groceries delivery and more

Find anything you need! from supermarkets to shops , pharmacies florists - if it's in your city order it and receive it.

We do tables too..

Make it easier than ever for Customers to access everything through barcode dine-in service

Download the app

Order anything and track it in real time with the Gireeb app

Become a rider

Enjoy flexibility , freedom and competitive earnings by delivering through Gireeb

Become a partner

Grow with Gireeb! Our technology and user base can help you boost sales and unlock new opportunities!

Smart solutions & more

Make the dine-in experience easier with unlimited convenience by using a barcode dine-in service..